It is About Time to Fish the Yellowstone!
Evening Float on the Yellowstone RIver
We are looking forward to fishing the Yellowstone River within the next week or so! The River is currently flowing at about 12,000 CFS at the Corwin Springs gauge. We normally like it to be around 10,000 cfs to start fishing it which should happen in the next few days. Our weather in Paradise Valley has been amazing this week. Yes, summer is here! Give us a call for the most up to date fishing report or to book a trip! Our Montana fishing guides are the best on the river and very excited to show you our waters.
On the Drop
The Yellowstone will start to fish very soon. We are hoping to take our first float trips after run-off this weekend. If you are floating the river, definitely choose a longer float as the water is moving!. Fish the slow water right against the banks. Salmon Flies should be popping around the first week of July. There are some new channels, or filled in old channels, that will be fun to explore. Check out the chart of river flow to the left. Every morning, the river jumps a little bit, but then it goes down. This is a normal post-runoff trend with a little bit of snow melt each day. We should have great flows from early July through October this year. Give us a call, and we will see you on the River.
Lake Monster!
The past 2 weeks, we have been mainly fishing our private and public lakes . The lakes have been fishing very well, and you have a chance at a true monster. If you are looking to fish in the next couple of days, the lakes are a great option until our rivers start to open up. The Chironomid bite has been pretty consistent with some dry-fly action sprinkled in on cloudy days.
Gardiner and Yellowstone National Park Update
-Gardiner, EMigrant, and Livingston are all OPEN!
-You can drive to Gardiner from either the East River Road or on Highway 89! The Bridge at Point of Rocks fishing access is fixed and fully operational.
-The Park is now working around the clock on the old STAGECOACH road between Mammoth and Gardiner. We expect to have limited access to the Park through this road this season, but time will tell depending on the construction progress.
-We are very OPTIMISTIC about access into YNP this summer.
-Things are DEFINITELY quiet around here from an amount of people perspective. We floated Pine to Carters yesterday and only saw one other boat….. It was pretty nice.
-This summer should be exceptional fishing, and you will likely have most of it to yourself!
See you in Montana!